Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Don't hate me because i'm beautiful

I'm back!!!! Almost forgot my login credentials! Just barely managed to get thru xmas. It was the busiest xmas selling season ever for me this year. what can go wrong..actually did. Will not bore myself with any details and i rather forget all about December 2011. A  new year has begun and again i remain optimistic and look forward to another roller coaster year  full of fun, challenges, ups and downs and life. I promise myself this year to take better care of myself because i deserve it. Just want to send out a message to the world tonight..." don't hate me because i'm beautiful". Just so you and i know.. i hate that fucn song, just fucn hate it. I caught myself singing it a few times today, but only because i hate it and was simply just making fun of that fucn song..I hope to blog more often this year for my personal enjoyment. This takes my mind off work and that is good for me... My brain sometimes gets overwhelmed and if I don't practice some personal balance soon i might fall off my rocker. Take care world. I always welcome anonymous comments from visitors whoever the fuc you may be...Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas..not happy fucn's Merry Christmas in Canada and if you don't like Christmas then go take a holiday somewhere else. Did you know the word holiday actually derived from ."Holy Day". Go figure! Canada's Junior hockey team plays Russia tonight!!!! We're going for Gold . Canada will win, any bets? Take care and so long for now!